Customization of the Planner


Add-on: Customization of the behavior of the Automatic Scheduler and Planner

by edinn


Product description

Robust development based on the edinn API which allows to customize the behavior of the automatic edinn scheduler and planner. Allows, for example, to make the edinn automatic scheduler and planner to consider different setup times for working orders when their results belong to the same or different families.


It is ready to grow with the users’ needs. Please request to edinn in case you have needs not covered by this add-on.

  • Highlights

    • It is designed for late binding, which therefore allows changes at any time, as long as it is distributed with the edinnM2.exe (win32 version of the terminal) file.
    • The edinn M2 windows terminal (win32 version) will inform visually to the user when it is using this add-on (also known as UDL: user defined logic).

Version 2020-01
By edinn
ID Not available, use description
Operating System Microsoft Windows
Delivery methods Downloadable source code
Comments in the code Yes, in English
Development language VB.NET
Add-on license It does not require
Guarantee Without edinn support, only with de Community Forum
Access method edinn API
Required edinn modules Scheduling
Installer (setup) Not available

Price information

Price table
Rental mode (SaaS) No cost
Maintenance for SaaS Not available
Purchase mode (SaaP) Not available
Annual maintenance for SaaP Not available


Not supported by edinn.
Provided by the community through the Community Support forum.
Ask edinn if you would like training and/or support.
