TI00010 | Introduction to edinn Digital Transformation Open Platform: Industry 4.0, MES System & Work Management | 2 |
TI00020 | Introduction to the Production Control Module (OEE, MTBF and Visual Plant) | 2 |
TI00025 | Introduction to Manual Processes (configuration and use in the Production Control Module) | 2 |
TI00030 | Introduction to the Consumption Efficiency Module (OCE, OPCE) | 2 |
TI00040 | Introduction to the Advanced Scheduling and Planning Module | 2 |
TI00050 | Introduction to the Maintenance and Procedures (Autocontrol) Module | 2 |
TI00060 | Introduction to the Quality SPC Module (CPK) | 2 |
TI00070 | Introduction to the Stock & Traceability Module | 2 |
TI00080 | Introduction to the Integration (API, ISA, B2MML) Module | 2 |
TI00090 | Introduction to the Development (API) Module | 2 |
TI00095 | Introduction to the Development UDL Module: How to add a process (ONLY AVAILABLE AT THE ACADEMY) | 1 |
TI00100 | Introduction to the BigData Module | 2 |
TI00105 | Introduction to the AI Module | 2 |
TI00110 | Introduction to the Personnel Module | 2 |
TI00120 | Basic IoT Monitoring (Simulator, OPC and edinn OPC Bridge) | 2 |
TI00130 | Introduction to edinn sales management for Partners and Referrals (ONLY AVAILABLE AT THE ACADEMY) | 2 |
TA00010 | Advanced Production Control Module (dashboards, microstops, timings, advanced reports) | 4 |
TA00020 | Advanced Consumption Efficiency Module (Costs Module) | 4 |
TA00030 | Advanced Scheduling and Planning Module | 4 |
TA00040 | Advanced Maintenance and Procedures (Autocontrol) Module | 4 |
TA00050 | Introduction to the Quality SPC Module (Program Optimization, Automatic entry) | 4 |
TA00060 | Advanced Stock & Traceability Module (Labels Printing and Scanning) | 4 |
TA00070 | Advanced Integration (API, ISA, B2MML) Module | 4 |
TA00080 | Advanced Development (API) Module | 4 |
TA00090 | Advanced BigData Module (Customized Analysis and Development) | 4 |
TA00095 | Advanced AI Module (Customized Analysis and Development) | 4 |
TA00100 | Advanced Personnel Module (Incentives with the Cost Module) | 4 |
TP00005 | Installation of an edinn M2 Server (ONLY AVAILABLE AT THE ACADEMY) | 1,5 |
TP00010 | Server Installation and maintenance (Upgrades, Backups and Optimization) | 8 |
TP00020 | Advanced IoT Monitoring (Including Development with UDL & API) | 8 |
TP00030 | Partner edinn Business Line Management (Academy and Quotator) | 8 |
TP00040 | Advanced Server Management (Log messages, Management and Recovery) | 8 |