
Free training courses for clients and partners

Discover the digital transformation with edinn, the Digital Transformation Open Platform with thousands of users around the world.

*Check the training videos available in Spanish here.
TI00010Introduction to edinn Digital Transformation Open Platform: Industry 4.0, MES System & Work Management2
TI00020Introduction to the Production Control Module (OEE, MTBF and Visual Plant)2
TI00025Introduction to Manual Processes (configuration and use in the Production Control Module)2
TI00030Introduction to the Consumption Efficiency Module (OCE, OPCE)2
TI00040Introduction to the Advanced Scheduling and Planning Module2
TI00050Introduction to the Maintenance and Procedures (Autocontrol) Module2
TI00060Introduction to the Quality SPC Module (CPK)2
TI00070Introduction to the Stock & Traceability Module2
TI00080Introduction to the Integration (API, ISA, B2MML) Module2
TI00090Introduction to the Development (API) Module2
TI00095Introduction to the Development UDL Module: How to add a process (ONLY AVAILABLE AT THE ACADEMY)1
TI00100Introduction to the BigData Module2
TI00105Introduction to the AI Module2
TI00110Introduction to the Personnel Module2
TI00120Basic IoT Monitoring (Simulator, OPC and edinn OPC Bridge)2
TI00130Introduction to edinn sales management for Partners and Referrals (ONLY AVAILABLE AT THE ACADEMY)2
TA00010Advanced Production Control Module (dashboards, microstops, timings, advanced reports)4
TA00020Advanced Consumption Efficiency Module (Costs Module)4
TA00030Advanced Scheduling and Planning Module4
TA00040Advanced Maintenance and Procedures (Autocontrol) Module4
TA00050Introduction to the Quality SPC Module (Program Optimization, Automatic entry)4
TA00060Advanced Stock & Traceability Module (Labels Printing and Scanning)4
TA00070Advanced Integration (API, ISA, B2MML) Module4
TA00080Advanced Development (API) Module4
TA00090Advanced BigData Module (Customized Analysis and Development)4
TA00095Advanced AI Module (Customized Analysis and Development)4
TA00100Advanced Personnel Module (Incentives with the Cost Module)4
TP00005Installation of an edinn M2 Server (ONLY AVAILABLE AT THE ACADEMY)1,5
TP00010Server Installation and maintenance (Upgrades, Backups and Optimization)8
TP00020Advanced IoT Monitoring (Including Development with UDL & API)8
TP00030Partner edinn Business Line Management (Academy and Quotator)8
TP00040Advanced Server Management (Log messages, Management and Recovery)8

(*)These courses will be served upon demand.

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