API Development


API Development Module

by edinn

version 2021-01


Product description

Use your favorite development environment to improve the edinn M2 system or adapt it to the needs and particularities of your organization using our API. You will always retain the source code of your developments. Follow our online help to make any development.

Version 2021-01
By edinn
ID LW0080
Operating System Microsoft Windows
Delivery methods Activation, Installation, Code
  • Highlights

    • No limitations: solve any specific need that your organization has, developing it yourself or one of the partners, retaining the source code of your developments and with the advantages of being inside the edinn system.
    • Training and examples are available: get courses and examples to take ideas. You will have a lot of examples of real applications available.
    • In-house or outsourced: develop within your organization, or through one of your suppliers, any specific need in the Development Module (API).


The edinn team supports this module from the Ticketing Platform.
