

Autocontrol Module

by edinn

version 2021-01


Product description

Maintenance Management (CMMS) and Procedures: allows you to manage and optimise maintenance and all the procedures of your organisation. Focus your production on total quality and continuous improvement, by means of the edinn system for the management of programmed activities of preventive, predictive and corrective maintenance.

Version 2021-01
By edinn
ID LW0040
Operating system Microsoft Windows
Delivery methods Activation, Installation, Code
  • Highlights

    • Drastically reduce your maintenance costs: our users report maintenance cost reductions of up to 40% in already optimized industrial plants.
    • Automatic maintenance and procedure planning: maintenance tasks and procedures will be planned automatically, prioritizing each other and with their tolerances, so that workers only have to perform them. If you wish, you will receive emails in case of any anomaly.
    • Be ahead of time: simulate future periods to know which maintenance tasks and procedures will have to be carried out.


The edinn team supports this module from the Ticketing Platform.

