Dashboard hourly production and path


Add-on: Dashboard hourly production and path

by edinn


Product description

Powerful and robust development, done entirely using the edinn API, shown inside the edinn M2 for Windows terminal (Win32):


    • At the top: a table of hourly production incorporating the maximum target (100%), the green target and the total, bad and good, quantities produced.
    • At the bottom: the standard graphic of the production path.


All the development is embedded in an ActiveX developed with a development environment (VB6) compatible with this type of controls.


The source code incorporates a project group project that allows you to test, develop and debug the add-on.


The add-on is an excellent example of using the API.


This add-on is still kept updated by edinn because it is included in the standard edinn distribution.

  • Highlights

    • Powerful and robust development, incorporated in edinn’s standard and Community distribution, showing an hourly production table at the top and a path graph at the bottom.
    • Developed using the edinn API.

Version 2019-11 y 2020-01
By edinn
ID Not available, use description
Operating System Microsoft Windows
Delivery methods Downloadable source code
Comments in the code Yes, in English
Development language VB6
Add-on license It does not require
Guarantee Basic Support
Access method edinn API
Required edinn modules Production Control, Big Data & AI
Installer (setup) Not available

Price information

Price table
Rental mode (SaaS) No cost
Maintenance for SaaS Not available
Purchase mode (SaaP) Not available
Annual maintenance for SaaP Not available


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