28 Apr Post-pandemic Digital Transformation
Pandemic accelerates Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation has been talked about since the first people on Earth went from being gatherers to hunters building their own hunting weapons. Today, the topic of post-pandemic Digital Transformation has become commonplace in the business world.
Even before COVID19 there was already talk of an unprecedented technological revolution, but this has been greatly accelerated in the last year. The pandemic has accelerated Digital Transformation to the point of becoming a necessity for many companies to avoid compromising their survival. Many organisations have revised their strategies, giving way to a new reality in which digital is a priority. These organisations have had to commit to innovation and intensify their commitment to new technologies.
This major change is not only accompanied by technology but also has a lot to do with the organisation and business culture. The teams of people have had to adapt to the new circumstances and it is precisely this adaptability that has placed the companies on the crest of the wave or, on the contrary, that has condemned them to be left behind.
What is edinn’s commitment to Digital Transformation?
Cloud computing has been one of the great protagonists in this stage of Digital Transformation. At edinn, we are committed to this modality with our Industry 4.0 and Work Management solutions, as it has been proven that it brings enormous benefits to companies.
The ability to link data centres in multiple sites helps many companies to diversify the risk and avoid compromising them in a single place. Moreover, on the one hand, the chances of suffering a security breach have been reduced and, on the other hand, the loss and deterioration of a piece of hardware no longer implies the loss of the information contained in it.
A good example of change is the development of cloud solutions that allow teleworking from anywhere and for all types of companies. Solutions such as edinn aim to keep the team cohesive and offer global visibility of the other members, their tasks and progress. In addition, they allow preserving the security of the team members and help them to adapt to the new way of working that has emerged with the pandemic.
At edinn we have developed the tool that will help you optimise your work. This tool makes it possible to manage tasks, share them in real time with other colleagues and measure your performance to motivate you to improve. Thanks to a results-based model, teams are more autonomous and deliver the expected quality results on time.
One thing that has become very clear is that companies must have the ability to adapt to an increasingly turbulent and changing post-pandemic Digital Transformation environment. To do so, they must digitise by choosing the technologies that respond to their specific business needs.
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